Primary Years 3-6

The Years 3-6 sub-school consists of:primary reading general 2

  • Years 3-6 Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator and Deputy/R-6 Head of School
  • R-6 School Counsellor
  • Specialist teachers in the Performing Arts, Japanese, History/Geography and Physical Education
  • Specifically trained School Support Officers
  • Reading and Maths Support Teachers
  • ATSI support staff
  • Support of R-12 Co-ordinators including Arts, Heath and PE, Intervention and Support, Literacy and Numeracy
  • Opportunities for specialisation through the Years 5/6 Choir, Year 4 Recorder group, Instrumental Music Ensemble, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, and sporting competitions, such as SAPSASA.

The school vision of all students as powerful learners equips students with the skills to use a multi-step approach to problem solving in their reading, writing and numeracy learning.  Our students independently and co-operatively research, justify and explain their thinking to others.

Through our core values of Opportunity, Excellence and Respect students are:

  • focused on learning and take pride to produce quality outcomes
  • at school each day on time and ready for learning
  • actively involved in all learning opportunities, from academic and sporting competitions to excursionsprimary working 3
  • encouraged to develop their leadership skills through general classroom activities, student council and mentoring programs.
  • respectful of others.

The Years 3-6 team, through the leadership of the Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator and supported by Numeracy and Reading support teachers, provide rich opportunities for students to learn about themselves as learners by using and understanding their individual data to be the best learners they can be.  Joint approaches to problem-solving and intervention has maximised our resources to ensure students are at standard and stretched beyond this. Growing such powerful learners has required a committed, joint approach with genuine partnerships between staff, students, families and the community. Family support is essential for a child’s ongoing success at school. This can occur through home support, volunteering, membership of Parent Club and Governing Council.

A number of specialised programs are used including literacy and reading based initiatives such as Guided Reading, ‘Words Their Way’,  ‘MultiLit’, Rainbow Reading, Cars and Stars and Literacy Pro.  The numeracy approaches include ‘QuickSmart’, RUCSAC problem solving strategy and Natural Maths.

Teachers use writing rubrics when assessing student work.  These clearly identify expectations of an assignment and provide feedback where students may improve.  They are designed to empower students, giving them an opportunity to see where they could extend their understandings.primary reading

Please click on the relevant writing rubric:

A safe, orderly and productive environment is crucial to building powerful learners. Our R-6 Counsellor collaborates with class teachers for the implementation of Play is the Way and the Child Protection Curriculum. This in conjunction with small group/individual interventions and regular well-being audits, ensures learning is safe and maximised.

Leadership skills also come to the fore with the Student Council elected at the beginning of the year. Fortnightly lunchtime meetings enable students’ voices to be heard and responded to. Our Student Mentors welcome and induct new students to our school.

Students’ performances at the Festival of Choirs in Adelaide, the Instrumental Music Showcase, the Year 4 recorder team, competing in Sports Day, SAPSASA (basketball, athletics and more), attending excursions/camps, presenting at assembly as well as participating in English/Maths/Writing competitions strengthens their understandings of the world whilst providing valuable opportunities to apply their literacy and numeracy skills.

There’s no “i” in the 3-6 team!