Kadina Memorial COVID-19 Vaccination Hub – student consent pack

October 25, 2021 0 comments


KMS COVID-19 Vaccination hub letter to families

Dear parent/caregiver,

Our school has been selected as one of 24 school sites in South Australia to be a vaccination hub for our students, staff, families, and the wider community.

This is a local community opportunity for you and your child/ren to be vaccinated if you would like to but haven’t yet had the opportunity. As Professor Nicola Spurrier notes in her letter to all parents vaccination is an essential tool in responding to the pandemic.

All students aged 12 and over are eligible, and all will require parental consent to be vaccinated as part of this program during school hours.

Consent packages for eligible students have been provided to us by SA Health which have been sent home to all eligible students.  The consent pack is also available on the school website.

The ‘COVID-19 SA Youth Vaccination Consent Card’ MUST be returned to your child’s Care Group teacher by Monday 8th November.  The consent form will be given to your child at their scheduled vaccination times, for both Round 1 and Round 2.  Only students with parental consent will be vaccinated during school hours.

On the day of vaccinations please encourage your child/ren to wear short sleeves, eat breakfast and have recess and lunch. We will be providing a quiet space for the students to be monitored by the vaccination team following their injection.

Round 1 is scheduled from Wednesday 10th November until Saturday 13th November.  Round 2 is scheduled from Wednesday 1st December to Saturday 4th December. Parents will be welcome to have a vaccination after school.

A weekend community clinic will also be held at our hub and students and family members, including from other surrounding schools, can attend on this day, Round 1 is scheduled for Saturday 13th November and Round 2 is scheduled for Saturday 4th December.

The vaccination team will deliver the first dose of the vaccine and return 3 weeks later to deliver the second dose.

The school vaccination hub is an important part of South Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program. We welcome the opportunity to be involved and provide this service to our school and local community.


Alistair Williams, Principal

For a translation of this information call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 1300 655 820


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